I'm Charles Mercer, welcome to my blog. It is on this digital page that I will share with the world the details of my adventure in Europe. Let me warn you, this blog will contain some foul language. I am of course talking about things like comma splices, split infinitives, and dangling modifiers. I'll do my best to avoid such things, but hey, I'm not an English major. I titled my blog "The Reign of Charles III" because as the subtitle explains, I see myself as the greatest Charles to set foot in Britain since the reign of Charles II. You may ask, "Charles, isn't that a little conceited?" Well, not if you ask me. I had to foreshadow the boldness of my adventure with an equally bold title. Does that mean I'm setting the bar too high? I sure hope not.
So get comfortable, this is going to be a great ride for the both of us. What are you doing? Come on, go ahead, I said get comfortable. Sit back, put your feet up, crack open a beer and read the stories that will follow. Stories about this kid from Wofford College who flew across the pond to where they drink the wrong kind of tea and have never been grit pickin. I sure hope London is ready for me...
Long Live The King